Sunday, February 19, 2017

Preschool Strategy for Morning Meeting Time

Morning meeting time is a time for preschoolers to feel involved, welcomed and appreciated. Many of us use the "Morning News" to get our children sharing and talking about their interests and home life.

Often, however, reticent children are not that eager to share. Teachers long to see these children open up and share. The other day I had a little one who was withdrawing from the group and I knew that "Morning News" would be just too much for her comfort level to enjoy participation, so I switched to my "Boo-Boo" song. I'm sure we've all noticed that every child relishes the chance to display his or her "Boo-Boo" to friends and teachers. It's almost as if the injury is some kind of an award, so I created a little song to allow the children to share in the group and show their "Boo-Boo."

Well, the little girl who was pulling away, quickly joined the group and raised her hand to show us her little cut on her thumb. The song is quick and easy, I beat it out with some percussion instruments to keep it moving and I thought, perhaps you would like to try it the next time you feel like your little ones are just not ready to share their news. This is also a great song for ELL students, because they don't have to say much. Here's the song for you to try. Enjoy! PS "The ouch-ooch-ooch-ouch" always gets a laugh. I always pull the kids who are sharing into the middle of the circle to show their boo-boo.

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